Your Silent Neighbor
by David K. Leff
Canton Town Historian
Lucie Case (1822-1908) was an active member of the Canton Center Congregational Church for sixty years. She married Franklin Case in the church in 1842. “Hers was a life of ministry to others,” according to one newspaper, “and her name will long be a cherished one among the homes of Canton Center.” She was the mother of five children, all of whom survived her. She had 12 grandchildren.
“It is not given to many women to live 86 years and to retain their health and mental activity almost until their last days,” the paper acknowledged. Case died at home on a Thursday morning after an illness of a few days which left her unconscious and paralyzed. Her funeral was held at the church.
Lucie Case is buried in the Canton Center Cemetery beside her husband.
“Your Silent Neighbors” introduces readers to people out of Canton’s past. Readers are encouraged to visit these gravesites and pay their respects to the people who have helped make our community what it is today.