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6/21/2024 - Economic Development ~ Community Survey

Dear Canton Community Members,

We hope this message finds you well. As part of our ongoing efforts to foster sustainable growth, attract investment, and improve the quality of life for Canton residents, the Economic Development Agency (EDA) is asking for your input via a community survey. 

Why Your Participation is Crucial: Your feedback will directly influence the strategies and recommendations we pursue to shape the economic future of our great town. By understanding your views, we can better meet the needs of the community and ensure that our town remains a desirable place to live, visit, and do business. Your contribution to this initiative is not just appreciated; it is essential.

Survey Highlights:
The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete
Individual responses will be kept anonymous 
The deadline to submit the survey is July 31, 2024

Take the Survey Now:

Thank you for your support and for being an active participant in Canton’s growth story. Should you have any questions, please reach out to us at
Warm regards,
The Canton Economic Development Agency